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The Hawk’s Nest Homeowners’ Association (HOA) is a legal entity; a non-profit organization created to manage and maintain the Hawk’s Nest development which includes the maintenance of common areas of the community. The Hawk’s Nest common area is located at the main entrance. The Hawk’s Nest HOA was set up by the developer of the community with a set of rules called “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements” hereafter referred to as the Covenants. It allows a developer to end their responsibility over the community, typically by transferring ownership of the association to the homeowners after selling. The primary functions of the Hawk’s Nest HOA is to enforce and ensure that these Covenants are adhered to by the individual homeowners and to collect periodic assessments from homeowners. The guiding principles of these Covenants are to proactively protect the interests of the entire community and to help maintain property values and the quality of life within the community.
No, the Hawk’s Nest HOA is an active association incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia. When you purchased your home, you signed forms at closing acknowledging that you understood you would be joining an HOA, and would 1.) pay annual assessments, and 2.) accept/abide by the Hawk’s Nest HOA Covenants.
While seeking out this information is a buyer’s responsibility, the developer is also aware that agents may have inadvertently failed to reveal that homes on the market in our neighborhood are part of an HOA. While the developer regrets any hard feelings this may have caused, this is a matter between the buyer(s) and the agent(s). Consequently, to try to help minimize surprises, the developer has provided builders and agents with a Closing Review Form as part of the documents to be completed by the homeowner at closing. In addition to the Covenants themselves, The Closing Review Form discloses to the buyer our status as an active HOA and of their responsibilities, to include compliance, when they become homeowners in the Hawk’s Nest Community.
These documents are available for viewing or download on the Hawk’s Nest HOA website at
No, the Hawk’s Nest HOA has no paid employees. Members of the board are community homeowners and serve voluntarily without compensation.
Yes, the common area at the main entrance to the Hawk’s Nest community.
Annual assessments are, in part, the basis of the Hawk’s Nest HOA’s budget which is designed to reflect upcoming debts such as legal services/fees, insurance, utilities and landscaping. A portion also goes towards community events.
Yes, Hawk’s Nest HOA assessments and fees are mandatory and must be paid if someone buys a property in the association. When you purchased your home in the Hawk’s Nest HOA, you agreed to pay your annual assessment when signing your settlement papers. Your disagreement with how your Hawk’s Nest HOA may or may not be handling the business of the association does not justify withholding all or a portion of your required annual assessment.
No, the association needs to have the assessments paid on time in order to cover association costs. Assessment due dates are contained in the Covenants. Additionally, assessment due dates are posted on the Hawk’s Nest HOA website,
Yes. Go to and click the Pay Assessment button. Paying online, assessments are $200 plus a convenience fee. Should you choose not to pay the convenience fee, you can mail your assessment to: Hawk’s Nest HOA, P.O. Box 364, Bonaire, GA 31005. If mailing, please include your home address with your payment. Assessments are due no later than December 1st of each year.
Failure to pay by the due date automatically results in a lien being placed on the property and delinquent charges (fees and interest) being applied to the original assessment. All homeowners should pay the assessment by December 1 each year in order to avoid liens and delinquency charges.
A lien is a monetary claim levied against a property for unpaid mortgage, taxes, contractor work, or other charges. A lien is attached to the property, not the owner, but legally must be recorded in the property records of the county of residence. If a lien is in place, the property owner has very limited ability to do anything involving the property until the lien is satisfied or removed.

Your regular assessments cover a number of items that may not be obvious including items such as insurance premiums, utility bills, bank fees, postage, copies, audits, legal fees, long-term maintenance and capital improvements. If there is something you wish to receive clarification on or you observe something that is in need of attention, please email the Hawk’s Nest HOA at

The Hawk’s Nest HOA’s exact responsibilities and powers can be determined by consulting its governing documents, such as the Covenants and By-Laws. Each of these describe the workings of the Hawk’s Nest HOA itself, describes what it can do, when and how it can be done. Its authority covers things like the maintenance and standards owners are expected to adhere to as members of the Hawk’s Nest HOA. Part of living in the community includes agreeing to keep a home, its lawn and surrounding property in good condition. Rules limit new construction, so residents need permission if they wish to make changes. These requests are submitted to the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) for approval. Standards apply to driveways, landscaping and other aspects of a property.
If you are making a change to the exterior of your home or a change anywhere on your lot, you need to get approval from the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). Hawk’s Nest is under a “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements” hereafter referred to as the Covenants. When you bought a home in this community, you became obligated to abide by the restrictions outlined in the Covenants. Architectural control restrictions are designed to maintain the aesthetic harmony of the community and to protect property values. Over time, residents may like to make modifications to their homes. Without an architectural standard and approval, these gradual changes can easily affect the appearance of the community. By obtaining approval before any improvement is made, you can be assured that the community standards are maintained for everyone. This avoids the problems that arise from the construction of improvements and the use of colors or styles that conflict with your governing documents (Covenants). Getting ACC approval is always the safest bet. You must submit your request in writing, or you can make your request via the Home Improvement Request Form on the Hawk’s Nest HOA website at
When an owner begins alterations or improvements without required ACC approval, he/she is subject to a variety of penalties under the Covenants and the law. At a minimum, the Hawk’s Nest HOA can order the owner to immediately cease all work and restore any altered areas to their original state. If the owner does not comply, the Hawk’s Nest HOA can impose daily fines until the violation is corrected. In addition to the fine, the owner will be liable for all costs of collection including reasonable attorney’s fees.
Yes, Hawk’s Nes HOA rules are legally binding. The Hawk’s Nest HOA can potentially fine or file a lawsuit against an owner who violates any restriction, covenant, or rule, as well as hold the owner responsible for any attorney’s fees or costs incurred by the HOA in enforcing that rule.
While limited to some extent by state and local laws, Hawk’s Nest HOA rules and regulations are also supported by them. This means that becoming a member involves entering into a legally binding contract. As long as the Hawk’s Nest HOA stays within its authority and its governing documents comply with state and local laws, courts will usually uphold their actions if an issue gets that far. Disciplinary actions by the Hawk’s Nest HOA are typically in the form of fines, but in more serious cases may go as far as a lien on the property. If the Hawk’s Nest HOA assesses fines, even incorrectly, it may be better to pay them first and then contest the matter to avoid any late fees, penalties or other consequences.
At time of closing, you should have completed a Closing Review Form which should be sent to the Hawk’s Nest HOA by your closing attorney or builder. This form contains your name, mailing address, phone numbers, and email address. If you did not complete this form at time of closing, please visit the Closing Review Form page on our website to do so now.
If, in the opinion of the HOA/ACC, the owner has failed to perform the care and maintenance required and fails to remedy the issue within 10-days of receiving notice, the Hawk’s Nest HOA can impose fees until the property is compliant.

No. They neither have the time nor inclination to patrol the neighborhood. It is up to each lot homeowner to read and comply with the Covenants. If you would like to report a Covenant violation, please utilize the form on the Hawk’s Nest HOA website at

Our neighborhood streets are owned by the City of Perry. They are maintained by the Perry Public Works Department who can be contacted at (478) 988-2732. Street light outages should also be reported to the Public Works Department.
No. The detention pond is owned by the City of Perry and is part of the storm water system. There is no community access allowed.
No. The Hawk’s Nest HOA has limited authority according to the Covenants. It is important for all residents to drive safely, obey traffic laws and be cognizant of children in the neighborhood. Complaints of this nature must be directed by the homeowner to the City of Perry police at (478) 988-2800. Parking on the street occurrences that do not completely block the street may be reported via the Covenant Violation form located on the HOA website
According to Georgia Laws, golf carts are permitted in neighborhoods and are policed by the local police department. All streets and right of ways in the neighborhood are owned by the City of Perry, NOT the Hawk’s Nest HOA. Please contact the local police department with any complaints.
No. Unless the problem is one causing a common area problem or a direct violation, homeowner disputes should be settled between the parties involved. The Hawk’s Nest HOA is not here to serve as mediator between neighbors. In any community, whether governed by an association or not, homeowners run into personality clashes, pet problems, and other neighborhood issues. Open communication can resolve the problems to the satisfaction of both parties with no hard feelings. In extreme circumstances that require emergency assistance, homeowners should contact the appropriate authorities.
Try to contact the owner, but if this is not possible or the owner is a repeat offender, contact the City of Perry. Also, part of the responsibility of pet ownership is to clean up after them. If you are a dog owner, please carry pet waste bags with you on your walks and dispose of waste in your garbage bin when you return home. Please do not report pet problems to the Hawk’s Nest HOA.
No. We have no social media sites, only the website at However, there is a neighborhood Facebook group independent of the HOA that you can join. The Hawk’s Nest HOA will periodically place informational posts there for members of the community.
Please contact USPS or the delivery company about missing or misdelivered packages. The Hawk’s Nest HOA does not handle anything related to mail and/or packages.
Keys to your mailbox should be received at closing. Any issues relating to your mailbox, including missing keys, should be directed to the Postmaster at the City of Perry.
IAW the Hawk’s Nest By-Laws, annual meetings are held in March each year.